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Phantasy Star Online
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Phantasy Star Online

Phantasy Star Online is the latest game in the Phantasy Star series. It is a dreamcast rpg, but it also has some action/rpg elements. In this game, there are three races and three classes. The races are: Human Newman and Android. The classes are: Hunter Ranger and force. Please keep in mind that how good they are is only my opinion.

Every race has their good points in each class. Humans are all around good characters. They perform well as just about any class. They are probably the best force characters, the second best hunter, and the third to best rangers. Newmen are also very useful characters. They are probably the best hunter, the and the second best forces. Androids are probably the best rangers and the third best hunters because any android no matter what class cannon use techniques (techniques are magic).

Now for the classes. The hunter is like a fighter. He is a close-combat combatant. He uses short-range weapons and does not have a lot of magic power. The ranger is a long-range class. They use long-range weapons as well. Rifles are probably the best for them. The only ranger that can use techniques is the human ranger. Force characters are magic-users. Their weapons are mainly used to finish off weakened enemies and to enhance their magic ability. They mainly use wand, rods, and canes.

There is a male numan hunter, a female newman hunter, and a male android hunter. For the hunters, there is a male human one, and two android ones. And last but not least, for the force characters there is a male and a female human and a female newman.